tisdag 19 september 2017

Interesting lecture for Global profil students

Back to Nature 

Lectures and discussion of Biomimicry
Karolinska Institute, Flemingsberg

A TED-inspired salon event, free admission for students & others organized by the Doctoral Programme for Development and Regeneration (DEVREG).

At this TED-inspired two-hours event, we gain a better understanding of how studying and mimicking nature as part of medical research could lead to important breakthroughs and innovations. The theme will be explored by listening to talks on the subject followed by an open-minded campfire session with the speakers and where you are welcome to share your thoughts and questions.

Snacks & refreshments will be served. To get one of the complimentary tickets and join this event, please register here before September 26:

A TED-inspired salon event, free admission for student & others

The core idea of biomimicry is that nature has already solved many of the problems we are grappling with. At this salon event you will learn what biomimicry is about and get some examples of how it is used in research and innovations.
At this TED-inspired two-hour event, we gain a better understanding of how studying and mimicking nature as part of medical research could lead to important breakthroughs and innovations. The theme will be explored by listening to talks on the subject followed by an open-minded campfire session with the speakers and where you are welcome to share your thoughts and questions.
Johanna Painer, PhD, DVM, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
Johanna is a researcher and wildlife veterinarian with special interest in Ultrasonography and Reproduction in Wildlife, Wildlife Anaesthesia and Wildlife Crime. She is also a consultant veterinarian for the Orsa Predator Park in Sweden. She is part of a team investigating how mammals rely upon scent for intraspecific communication. She will present parts of her research and share her thoughts about what and how we could learn from nature and wildlife.
Janne Johansson, Professor, Karolinska Institutet
Janne is head of a research group working on mechanisms of protein aggregation in disease, development of protein drugs, and protein assembly in spider silk formation. This broad approach has so far generated for example synthetic proteins for treatment of lung disease. Janne will talk about how they succeed in finding a method to make artificial spider silk and how it could be used in biomedical applications.
Monday 2 October 16:00-18:00
Hörsalen, Novum, plan 4, Blickagången 6, Karolinska Institute Campus Huddinge, Flemingsberg
15:10  Hagabergs folkhögskola Buss 753 mot Östertälje station
15:23  Östertälje Pendeltåg 36 mot Märsta
15:40  Flemingsberg Gå 339 meter 15:48  Blickagången 6, Huddinge

onsdag 6 september 2017

Climate change lecture & Google Cloud Summit

Join me for 2 mind expanding events in the coming weeks...

1) Climate change lecture

As I write, there are just 14 places left for what promises to be a very interesting lecture and scientific discussion about climate change and how to reduce carbon emissions in the future.

It's on Thursday 21st September in Stockholm University and starts at 13:30. That means setting off from Hagaberg at 12:10. The event goes on till 17:00 but obviously you don't have to stay that long.

If you're interested, read the full program and register a.s.a.p. here:

See Kevin Anderson, the keynote speaker here:

2) Google Cloud Summit

This is a whole day event in central Stockholm which Marcus Nyberg and I are attending on Tuesday 3rd October.

It's going to be pretty technical, but could be of interest to any of you who are considering a future career in IT. Things are changing fast and taking part in the Google Cloud Summit will put you at the frontier of digital developments. Check out the program and register here: Google Cloud Summit - Stockholm 2017

Obviously for both events, you need to get approval from your teachers so as not to be reported absent from lessons. SL cards are available and we can talk about compensation for long hours...

torsdag 27 april 2017

Alzheimers Seminar (Tue 2nd May) and Virtual Reality festival at KTH (Fri 12th - Sun 14th May)

Those of us who attended the most recent "Brown bag lunch" at MSD Stockholm had a great time. This coming Tuesday there's another event - this time in English. Read more and register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brown-bag-lunch-talks-msd-tickets-33883187526

That's Alzheimers, but would you like to try experience cutting edge virtual reality technology?

Would you like to listen to some of the world's experts in the field of applied virtual reality technology?

Then you need to register your interest in the first ever international scientific virtual reality festival.

Learn more here: http://vrscifest.com/

Note that whilst anyone can turn up and look at stuff, the workshops, lectures and cinema require registration (free) so check out EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vr-sci-workshops-lectures-and-open-discussion-tickets-33968687258


söndag 2 april 2017

Tema pengar - 2

Medan våra portfolios växer (hoppas vi!), började vi fundera över livets största kostnad: boende.

 I Stockholm är det lätt att tro att vi aldrig kommer att äga vår egen bostad. Men andra delar av Sverige och världen ser annorlunda ut.

Vi diskuterade en film som visade ett sätt att bygga snabbt och billigt:

"Individual action and self-built environment - we do have a lot of that. It's called slums.
Slums are not part of the problem; they are part of the solution."
Alejandro Aravena

För att lär oss mer om hur mycket det kostar att äga ett hus, delade vi upp oss i grupper:

1) 2 personer byggde en webbsida men den har blivit en Google Form istället: https://goo.gl/forms/bPYR5IYll0IRUGVo2
2) 2 personer byggde en utställning som är exakt 1m²
3) Resten valde olika delar av Sverige, kollade senaste 10 villor som såldes i ett begränsat område och räknade snittpriset för 1m². Sen skapade de enkla filmer för att visa upp området. Filmerna visas på webbsidan.

Vi lärde oss mycket under en dags intensivt arbete och jag tror att vi hade ganska roligt också! Vi blir klart nu på fredag - då ska jag visa lite mer av vårt arbete.


Varför villor? Eftersom villor är enklaste att jämföra med varandra.
Varför senaste 10 sålde? Eftersom det var lagom mycket för en förmiddags studie.
Varför tog ni inte siffror från statistik som publiceras? För att öva själv med siffror och förstår varifrån de kommer och vad de betyder.
Varför video? Eftersom det är intressant att lär oss ett annat sätt att kommunicera.
Varför fysisk utställning? Vi vill att folk verkligen känna hur mycket det kostar att köpa boende.
Varför online utställning? För att få så mycket in i vår 1m² som möjligt!


Paola Castillo, Tom Silverstone, Noah Payne-Frank, Jess Gormley and Chris Michael, theguardian.com. (15 juni 2016). I built my own social housing: the rise of Chile's 'half-houses' theguardian.com [video] Hämtad från: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/video/2016/jun/16/built-my-own-social-housing-chile-half-houses-video

fredag 24 mars 2017

Tema pengar - 1

Vi håller på läsa:
Cervenka, Andreas. (2012). Vad är pengar?. Stockholm: Natur & kultur.

Marija har lagt ut uppgifter (@student.hagaberg.org inloggning krävs)

Sen en film:
Eklund, Klas. [Ekonomifakta]. (20 aug 2015). "Klas Förklarar Inflation Och Deflation." [video] https://youtu.be/KRKOPl_nZjA>.

Skapa en portfolio

Alla i klassen ska skapa en virtuell portfolio i Google Finance.

Efter en genomgång om hur portfolio funktionen fungerar ska ni forska om olika företag och saker för att hitta kloka investeringar. Ni bestämmar hur mycket av varje aktie ni vill köpa för att skapa en balanserad portfolio.

Vi börjar med 100.000 SEK och ska investera i olika aktier och finansiella instrument. Vi återkommer och se vem tjänar mest pengar varje vecka.

Microlending - introduktion

Kurnia, Julia. [ZidishaP2P] (28 jun 2014). "Zidisha: P2P Microlending Without Borders." [video] https://youtu.be/DwvkbXCgU7g