tisdag 23 februari 2016

Tuesday 23 February - Presentations, evaluations and online study

Before lunch: Presentations and peer response

Presentations based on empirical self-studies (like this one: https://youtu.be/qb3R8U8FLGs?t=25m9s)

1) Beroende (AS, SS, RT, ZA)

2) Förlänga livet? (AC, JSj, JSö, MS)

3) Kost (JSy, KN, DNT)

4) Skärmtid (IS, CW & SD)

5) Socker > frukt & grönt (MF, LBÖ, OK)

Log into FirstClass > "Hag A-global 2015-2016" and post your response there
FirstClass - Folkbildningsnätet

After lunch: Online study, discussion & self-evaluation

1) Watch the following documentary (c.60 minutes):

Wilson, R. (Producer & Director), (2014). Russell Brand: End the Drugs War [TV Movie]. United Kingdom: Matchlight Ltd. Retrieved 23 February 2016 from http://www.ur.se/Produkter/190598-Russell-Brand-och-kriget-mot-drogerna

2) Discuss: When you've watched the whole film, visit "Hag A-global 2015-2016" in FirstClass and post replies to the 2 questions posted there. NB: Don't just "post and forget"! Check your classmates' posts and add further comments in response to what they write.

FirstClass - Folkbildningsnätet

3) Evaluation: Finally, fill in the following self-evaluation which encompasses your project and the follow-up work: