Tuesday 9th February, 13:00-16:00 Södertörns högskola
Linus Andersson: Where technology goes to die: Electronic waste in global television news
We spent some time last term studying the problem of electronic waste. This is a chance to step back and think about how the media shapes our thinking about electronic waste. It's also a chance to check out Södertörn's Dept. of Media & Communication Studies!If you want to come, you'll need to take the 12:10 bus from Hagaberg to Östertälje Station and then the train to Flemingsberg. You can borrow an SL card from school.
Here is a short video from 2013 of the person leading the seminar, Linus Andersson:
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Tuesday 16th February, 09:00-12:00 Kungl. Myntkabinettet (Gamla Stan)
Human rights and anti-discrimination in Eastern Europe
ForumSyd have invited a really interesting range of speakers who are all actively involved in campaigning for human rights. Come and be inspired by these amazing people!
Full program and speakers here: http://www.forumsyd.org/PageFiles/5975/Programme_day%20II.pdf
Note that although this event is free, you must register by Friday 29th January at the latest.
Here is one of the contributors, Olena Shevchenko:
and another, Svetlana Zakharova:Here is one of the contributors, Olena Shevchenko:
If you know anyone else who is interested, please invite them too!